Braewood Heritage Square Townhouse Listings

Active Braewood Heritage Square Listings

Below is a link to Homes Currently listed for sale in Braewood Heritage Square – Current Listings – may include those Under Contract. Due to Super Low Current Inventory, I have included an extra link further down the page for Available Homes in Heritage Square South, our neighboring sister community with similar layouts, just not gated. Enjoy the aerial views of both communities

Current Homes Listed For Sale Braewood Heritage Square Listing Results

Current Listings

Active Heritage Square South Listings

 Heritage Square South is our neighboring sister community with similar floor plan layouts.

Disclaimer – Our sister community is twice the size from the same builder. Similar floor plans and amenities. Just not gated.

Current Homes Listed For Sale Heritage Square South Listing Results

Listing results provided by IDX at







National Properties Realty LLC

1751 E Desert Inn Rd – 89169

(Or come find me on Southridge Ave!)

Contact Form: Braewood Current Listings



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